Call any of our Sales Agents for Professional Advice on owning your dream vacation home. We are here to help you be part of our great community. We have the experience, integrity, knowledge and professionalism to assist with all your living in Loreto needs. No one understands the history, vision, features and benefits of Loreto Bay as well as we do!
We are located at FN346 in Loreto Bay across from El Corazon Cafe. Drop by and say hello or contact us in advance for an appointment or Sales Tour.
Nellie Hutchison
Managing Partner / Broker
Nellie Hutchison has been part of Loreto Bay since the First Sales Launch in 2003. As the Community Director for Loreto Bay Company, Nellie worked directly with the Buyers and contracts valued at more than $350MM USD. Since the recession in 2009, Nellie has sold over $25MM USD in real estate in Loreto Bay and is the Top Producer and most connected person in Loreto. Call her today for information or visit her personal blog at
USA Cell: +1 602 628 2920
Hilda Corona
Sales Associate
Phone: +1 52 613 688 1197
Veronica Salgado
Office Manager
Bilingüe Inglés/Español
Veronica Salgado has been a partner of Nellie's since 2010, and was the General Manager of the successful Rental and Property Mangement Programs. Veronica will be a wonderful addition to the Real Estate division, and happy to assist all our new neighbors!
Remexico Homes of Loreto
Personal Blog on Living in Loreto: